lidar_camera_calibration icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lidar_camera_calibration copied to clipboard

ROS package to find a rigid-body transformation between a LiDAR and a camera for "LiDAR-Camera Calibration using 3D-3D Point correspondences"

Results 56 lidar_camera_calibration issues
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Great work @ankitdhall and team! I tried using this implementation with velodyne-32C and Zed camera.This is my setup- ![Screenshot from 2020-09-29 19-40-21]( I have changed the topic names in the...

[ERROR] [1647922884.020933792]: Not able to lookup transform [ WARN] [1647922884.020993380]: TF to MSG: Quaternion Not Properly Normalized Error: TF_NAN_INPUT: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "camera_0" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of a...

is there any easy way to test the resulting transformation matrix ?

After running and copying transformation matrix from terminal I'm trying to use that transformation matrix to extract color from image and add it to pcd output of velodyne lidar, I...

Hello, why do I report an error every time I mark the four corners of the first side ![微信图片_20210510233748](

I wanted to know why didn't RANSAC method work with the 2D-3D correspondence case? I read that it resulted in a huge back projection error. But I am curious about...

I managed to make aruco mapper work (markers are detected), but there are no points from lidar, though it is working (as seen in RVIZ)

I could not properly execute installation commands for Melodic so I retried it with Noetic but I received message as below. Is is ok to ignor these? I got this...

I am at an installation step and encountering some error. Please help me. I received this error when I executed `git checkout melodic`. What is the reason causing this issue?...

Hi Guys, I've change the ring number to 32 and found this error: ![image]( ![image]( Could any know how to resolve this? And also the points doesn't show up every...