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ROS package to find a rigid-body transformation between a LiDAR and a camera for "LiDAR-Camera Calibration using 3D-3D Point correspondences"

Results 57 lidar_camera_calibration issues
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Is this result correct? This is the best result I can make. I don't know what the best result of this package can be.Can someone help me?thank you very much...

Hi: Recently I worked in the camera lidar calibration with this calibration tool. However, the problem was that if I change the position of my LiDAR sensor, then my LiDAR...

Hi! I am facing an error when launching the find_transform.launch. I'm currently using ZED2 camera, RoboSense Helios 16P LiDAR and Jetson AGX Orin. The snapshot of the error is shown...

``` what(): vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 0) >= this->size() (which is 0) [aruco_mapping-1] process has died [pid 70288, exit code -6, cmd /home/mic-711/catkin_ws/devel/lib/aruco_mapping/aruco_mapping /image_raw:=/frontNear/left/image_raw __name:=aruco_mapping __log:=/home/mic-711/.ros/log/63dc51d6-34d7-11ee-adad-024293f2edd5/aruco_mapping-1.log]. log file: /home/mic-711/.ros/log/63dc51d6-34d7-11ee-adad-024293f2edd5/aruco_mapping-1*.log ```...

What should be the content of calibration_file(.ini format) in aruco_mapping/data folder? It has the following params: ``` # Prosilica camera intrinsics [image] width 1280 height 720 [camera] camera matrix 704.12...

can I use ouster1 lidar?

I'm very sorry, I really don't have the hardware(Hesai and Velodyne hardware) device you're using. I only have monocular camera and Robosense lidar. But I want to run your project...