lidar_camera_calibration icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lidar_camera_calibration copied to clipboard

Error while calibrating camera-lidar

Open poornimajd opened this issue 4 years ago • 7 comments

Great work @ankitdhall and team! I tried using this implementation with velodyne-32C and Zed camera.This is my setup- Screenshot from 2020-09-29 19-40-21 I have changed the topic names in the config file ,the marker coordinates ,and uncommented aruco-mapping in launch file. I am using live sensor feed from lidar and camera,and when I played in rviz,it displays both the image and point cloud properly.(shown below) Screenshot from 2020-09-29 19-45-46 This indicates that there is time sync between camera and lidar. But eachtime I run the command - roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration find_transform.launch

I get the following error Screenshot from 2020-09-29 19-40-30 Only Mono8 window displays,the lidar (pointcloud window) is not displayed. I checked the topics getting published, the lidar_camera_calibration_rt is getting published but when I echo it gives the output as - are your messages being built? My question is when ever I run the command why does the process die and throw that error as shown in the picture and the lidar window also does not diaplay. I checked out similar issues but I was unable to get a solution. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

poornimajd avatar Sep 30 '20 06:09 poornimajd

I have the same problem, do you solve it now? Thanks

yulan0215 avatar Oct 05 '20 08:10 yulan0215

No,not yet.

poornimajd avatar Oct 05 '20 09:10 poornimajd

I have the same problem. I built the packages required. And launched the point grey camera and VLP 16 Lidar. However, I haven't really created the setup for now and I ran the find_transform.launch file and I'm having this issue. Can you let me know what result is expected if we connect everything without the setup and launch the file?

dkhanna511 avatar Nov 04 '20 11:11 dkhanna511

@ankitdhall, I have encountered the same issue. point_cloud seems to go out of scope inside intensityByRangeDiff(point_cloud,config). After looping several times through the pointcloud in intensityByRangeDiff(), the function throws a std::bad_alloc.

in find_velodyne_points.cpp (the extra couts added just to double check where I am)

qlidarToCamera = Eigen::AngleAxisd(config.initialRot[2], Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())
		*Eigen::AngleAxisd(config.initialRot[1], Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())
		*Eigen::AngleAxisd(config.initialRot[0], Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());

lidarToCamera = qlidarToCamera.matrix();

std:: cout << "\n\nInitial Rot" << lidarToCamera << "\n";
std:: cout << "\n\nPoint Cloud" << point_cloud << "\n";
std:: cout << "\n\nGoing into intensityByRangeDiff" << "\n";
point_cloud = intensityByRangeDiff(point_cloud, config);


2048 1080
-2.5 2.5
-4.0 4.0
0.0 1.7
1280.360906 0.0 1063.497160 0.0
0.0 1216.015996 453.016297 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
1.57 -1.57 0

command line output:

[ INFO] [1617968479.957185770]: Calibration file path: /home/simulator/catkin_ws/src/aruco_mapping/data/front_camera_dart.ini
[ INFO] [1617968479.957686996]: Number of markers: 2
[ INFO] [1617968479.957707574]: Marker Size: 0.252
[ INFO] [1617968479.957716174]: Type of space: plane
[ INFO] [1617968479.957724645]: ROI allowed: 0
[ INFO] [1617968479.957749894]: ROI x-coor: 21896
[ INFO] [1617968479.957760687]: ROI y-coor: 21896
[ INFO] [1617968479.957770377]: ROI width: 21896
[ INFO] [1617968479.957779263]: ROI height: -1968267360
[ INFO] [1617968479.958747080]: Calibration data loaded successfully
Size of the frame: 2048 x 1080
Limits: -2.5 to 2.5
Limits: -4 to 4
Limits: 0 to 1.7
Number of markers: 2
Intensity threshold (between 0.0 and 1.0): 0.05
useCameraInfo: 0
Projection matrix: 
[1280.361, 0, 1063.4972, 0;
 0, 1216.016, 453.0163, 0;
 0, 0, 1, 0]
Lidar_type: Velodyne
initial rotation: 1.57 -1.57 0
initial translation: 0 0 0
[ INFO] [1617968479.968735733]: Reading CameraInfo from configuration file
[ INFO] [1617968479.969293818]: Current velo topic is: 
[ INFO] [1617968479.969307117]: /vlp32c_roof_front/velodyne_points
[ INFO] [1617968480.354992175, 1614894028.400831280]: in big no cam callback
[ INFO] [1617968480.355044470, 1614894028.400831280]: Velodyne scan received at 1.61489e+09
[ INFO] [1617968480.355060500, 1614894028.400831280]: marker_6dof received at 1.61489e+09

Initial Rot 0.000796274    -0.999999 -0.000796274
           0  0.000796274           -1
           1  0.000796274  6.34053e-07

Point Cloudpoints[]: 47909
width: 47909
height: 1
is_dense: 1
sensor origin (xyz): [0, 0, 0] / orientation (xyzw): [0, 0, 0, 1]

Going into intensityByRangeDiff
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
[find_transform-2] process has died [pid 18211, exit code -6, cmd /home/simulator/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lidar_camera_calibration/find_transform __name:=find_transform __log:=/home/simulator/.ros/log/2abd29aa-9922-11eb-ad9b-48f17fd061c3/find_transform-2.log].
log file: /home/simulator/.ros/log/2abd29aa-9922-11eb-ad9b-48f17fd061c3/find_transform-2*.log

miriamrebekah avatar Apr 09 '21 11:04 miriamrebekah

@miriamrebekah thanks for the detailed log. I am not actively maintaining this repo; could you create a merge request that solves this issue that you encounter?

ankitdhall avatar Apr 12 '21 08:04 ankitdhall

I met the issue when I use the rslidar-32, do you solve it? Many thanks.

cppchuff avatar May 05 '22 04:05 cppchuff change the num from 16 to 32. It will be work.

cppchuff avatar May 12 '22 13:05 cppchuff