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Results 282 django issues
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Ref: - - Changes: - widgets: using standard HTML input types for date, time and datetime

now its easy so add older dates like birthday date in admin calendar widget. ### in ltr ![1]( ### in rtl ![2](

This PR provides the following changes to the [Advanced tutorial]( - use [the recommended parameters]( for the `[build-system]` table in pyproject.toml. - use [the recommended front-end build tool]( `python -m...

Fix for [#31949]( Makes builtin decorators async compatible so that they can be applied directly to async views without having to be wrapped in additional `@async_to_sync` and `@sync_to_async` decorators. The...

json.dumps() overrides ensure_ascii=False in DjangoJSONEncoder. Set the flag again. It is okay because JSON allows the use of Unicode characters only. Set separators without spaces as well.

I discovered that `floatformat` may round up high precision decimal numbers. The underlying cause is that the first attempt to convert input to a decimal is written in a way...

[Ticket #33616]( Added on_commit_robust function in the same style as send_robust in signals.

ticket-33735 Initial PoC to handle asynchronous responses in Django ASGI handler.