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Results 282 django issues
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cx_Oracle has a major new release under a new name and homepage [python-oracledb]( The python-oracledb driver is a [Python programming language]( extension module allowing Python programs to connect to [Oracle...

[Ticket 24638]( This PR tries to bring back life into this ticket which last stalled in I think it would be a useful addition to Django for adding traceability...

This is an intial attempt at fixing [#33380]( by putting the user's project files at the start of all the files returned by `iter_modules_and_files` This patch doesn't put _only_ the...

Adding async backend Base and aiosqlite -- someone else can pick it up if I become inactive. - Adds aatomic and an async atomic - Adds alru_cache - Internal django...

As per suggestions in @ngnpope's [comment]( on #7850 made `choices_form_class = TypedMultipleChoiceField` also removed support for `ArrayField.choices` and instead `ArrayField.base_field.choices` shall be used. Removed `ArrayField.clean()` method intoduced in because...

I have added a workflow that runs the benchmarks in [​smithdc1/django-asv]( against a pull request when it is labeled with the label `benchmark`. If the performance has not changed significantly,...