django icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Results 282 django issues
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A pure CSS solution for ticket #32934 addressed in PR #14281 instead of the javascript approach in the previous PR. This solution uses `calc()` to responsively set the height of...

Made nature of media uploads in tests same as database. If `TEST_MEDIA_ROOT` is defined in the settings: - Running the test suit will create a new folder using TEST_MEDIA_ROOT, if...

[Ticket 32819]( This adds `aria-describedby` functionality for `help_text`. We'll still need to think about errors but that seems a much more complex based on prior work. Would it be ok...

This very small tweak helps clarify a small difference between the `--check` flags available to `makemigrations` and `migrate`: - `makemigrations --check` will make the migrations unless you also add `--dry-run`....

This is checked at startup in get_reloader(). The runtime check ties the implementation to Watchman excessively. Hey @orf 👋 — can I ask for your thoughts here? I was looking...

Adds a JSONSet Function which can be used in a queryset.update(json_field=JSONSet(field="json_field", fields={"$.hello": Value("world")}) - sqlite supported - postgresql partially supported - oracle untested - mysql/mariadb untested ~~I wasn't able to...

[Ticket]( I believe that the tests should all pass. However, I have added a test to my [example project]( that fails. I believe this is breaking if the weak ref...