django icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django copied to clipboard

The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

Results 282 django issues
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Clarify the need to use Coalesce when aggregating within a Subquery to cover the case when there are no related records. Provide an example.

Prior to this change, the request has been written into a spooled temporary file as the HTTPRequest class depends on a byte/io-like stream to process and parse its content as...

The doc says: ``` The delete method, conveniently, is named [delete()]( This method immediately deletes the object and returns the number of objects deleted and a dictionary with the number...

[Related Trac ticket]( In order to support multi-level squashing, we need to be a bit smarter about how we traverse replacements. The solution here introduces some extra checks on squashed...

This PR makes two changes to the `startproject` template: * instead of putting configuration files such as ``, ``, and the root `` in `my_project/my_project`, they are created in `my_project/config`...

This update allows to set the key_prefix as a callable. Discussions:

This avoids calling `len()` on `cl.result_list`.