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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

Results 282 django issues
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Allows verbatim tag contents to contain tag delimiters eg. `{{`. This pull request is based off

The verbatim tag was a special case handled in the Lexer. Added Parser.parse_verbatim() that can be called by any custom tag that needs to implement verbatim like behaviour.

Considering that the `` file has its executable bit set users will be able to execute the script from the project root directory and they will need to prepend `./`...

Removed redundant phrase and clarified instructions around installing in editable mode.

#### Problem Saving a file while a debugger is active or when a long running request is being processed will trigger the auto reloader and the previous request's thread...

I have two seperate apps that add different functionality related to the ORM, that are both hitting problems because by the time the SQL for the WHERE clause is generated,...

[ticket-32398]( I fixed the reported bug. but when the driving table has left join, I can't handle it right now. it is difficult on the current structure. (this code ->...

```python3 from django.template.context import * from timeit import timeit class UpContext(Context): def __getitem__(self, key): val = super().__getitem__(key) self.dicts[-1][key] = val return val c = Context({'Q': 34}) c1 = UpContext({'Q': 34})...