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Results 294 django issues
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[Ticket]( First, thank you Mariusz for **Cc**me in this ticket! In this PR I apply your suggestion of > we should enforce clearing checkboxes, instead of highlighting rows on Chrome....

Introduced `DjangoSocketHandler` class to handle socket logging which simply removes all the non-picklable attributes from the request object.

I'd like to introduce a file storage registry similar to BaseConnectionHandler (django/utils/ and EngineHandler (django/template/ Example snippet: ``` STORAGES = { # rename to FILE_STORAGES to make it more...

Add functionality to the `SelectFilter` widget to allow searching on the "Selected" side. The fix is purely for displaying the results, and the value passed to the server/saved to the...

Adds support for joint predicates against window functions through subquery wrapping while maintaining errors for disjointed filter attempts. The implementation requires that filtered against window aliases are not masked by...

PR for This continues the work of other people who had been attempting to fix this.

## Changelog So far Django displays the server name and port before actual binding; If a user selects port 0, [wildcard port]: ``` $ ./ runserver ... Starting development...

What did I do? I took and blackified it + ported over most (all?) new commits. I am now opening this on GitHub to be able to nicely diff...

Modified the prefetch queryset function in generic foreign key field to support custom queryset of different content types.

@apollo13 here's a PR demonstrating that it's possible to reference the left outer select clause columns by aliases instead of column index. Something else that caught my eye is the...