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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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This is my first pull request for django, so please let me know if anything could be improved. Thanks. ticket-33113

Copy and adapt the `Meta.index_together` admonition here, to help guide users to controlling their indexes better. I am not sure if "may be deprecated" is valid, but it's been around...

I have added changes to make SchemaEditor `create_model` support `ModelState`. A lot of tests are getting failed but this is just a draft PR about what is in my mind...

This is a simplified version of PR #14526. It's slower, but simple enough that it's easy to verify.

I have split the changes into small commits with rationale in the commit message, to make it easier to review and drop undesirable changes if needed. Should probably be squashed...

Adds support to the SQLite backend for the `init_command` option so user can set PRAGMA options when setting up the connection. SQLite doesn't natively support the `init_command` keyword (such as...

Ticket [#30746]( Note that `Feature-Policy` was renamed to `Permissions-Policy`.
