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Results 282 django issues
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Clarifies the role of has_module_permission and has_view_permission for change list view. Thought it would make sense to add a few words, because I expected that `has_module_permission` would check if the...

May as well find out if it passes CI, and if the ticket ([33098]( isn't accepted I'll just close it down. The check within `keep_lazy_single_argument_wrapper` is slightly more involved than...

Database Error can be slightly misleading if the problem is erroneous query params specified to be used in the lookup field.

After seeing a colleague use `Signer`/`TimestampSigner` without the `salt` argument passed, I looked at the docs and found that they do not really encourage its use. This is unfortunate, because...

@kezabelle I just noticed that you'd posted #15403. It prompted me that there was something that I started a while back. The main issues with this that I found where:...

This is in no way finished, and the code styling and formatting are surely going to get some suggestions and consideration[^1], but here we go. `django.utils.dateformat.Formatter.format` has been replaced almost...

[Relevant ticket]( By adding `aria-invalid="true"`, the accessibility of the form is improved. As per the description of the ticket, the attribute allows a screen reader to identify the error on...

Users marked with unusable passwords can not request password reset emails. This important information is only found in the `PasswordResetView` docs, and not in the `set_unusable_password` docs. This patch rectifies...

See discussion here: