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Hi @kezabelle -- would you be interesting in reviewing this? The relevant lines from my (messy) IPython tests follow. I see a c.8% gain here as it avoids a number...

As far as I could tell from glancing around, and a bit of `pdb` jiggery-pokery, these situations weren't explicitly covered. I may be wrong, and I just couldn't find them,...

more detail description: #### Django * Field(db_comment="...") * db_table_comment="...." ~~~Python class AModel(Model): a_char = models.Field(db_comment="I Am comment to Column", max_length=32) class Meta: db_table = "a_model" db_table_comment = "table comment...."...

created a cleaner pr from working on better docs and release notes

Proposed implementation for ticket I tried different options: 1. Make adoption inside of "send" method. In this case implementation became very complex. We need to send information about what...

Similar to #15185 , use improvements to Python function signatures where possible. Much of the `x = options['x']` pattern has been around since Python 2.

Prior to this commit there were four(-ish) ways sitting around for running the tools: * The doc recommendations to install and run the tools yourself. * Tox environments. * The...

Modern web developement includes CSS custom properties, [Javascript modules](, and [web components]( Unfortunately the manifest storage doesnt support changing the URL of Javascript modules (it only supports JS source maps)....

As per the additional note: signals running in a post_save() may notify remote systems too soon for them to read data. This happened when using MQTT to notify a remote...

[Picking up a fairly old ticket, 28455]( to see if we can get discussion/implementation going again. Very much WIP. No tests added, none of the extras from the original branches,...