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newest added Forum post: While looking at ticket 25251, I wondered whether cloning the test database per test in a `TransactionTestCase` was an option and found for my use cases...

# Trac ticket 9318 ticket-[[9318](] # Branch description Forwarded model signals - `[pre|post]_init`, `[pre|post]_save`, `[pre|post]_delete` from proxy models to their concrete models. For the `m2m_changed` signal, the sender in the...

Based on #14147 Tests TBD [Ticket #25251]( An alternative approach on Postgres: Clone & restore the schema using `CREATE  WITH TEMPLATE ` (in fact this is what Django ~used to...

ticket-35224 Profiling checks after 6002df06713cb0a7050432263527a25754190c27 was merged, I found that `check_generic_foreign_keys()` was taking ~2% of the total time. It seems that iterating over all fields of all models is fairly...

# Trac ticket number n/a # Branch description support for section without link # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main` branch. - [x] The commit message is written...

This patch is an update of @Parth1811 's [closed PR]( It includes classes for FormSet, ModelFormSet, and InlineFormSet, allowing for the creation of formsets using a declarative syntax instead of...

Djangonauts :rocket: New to Django core here and wanting to try for next djangonaut run, thought I could try to triage by writing some quickie tests to see if I could...


Hi Django community! This year, I've decided to try participating in GSOC, and one project that immediately caught my interest is shell-plus. Currently, this is just the first draft and...