Feiyu Chen
Feiyu Chen
Apply ML to the skeletons from OpenPose; 9 actions; multiple people. (WARNING: I'm sorry that this is only good for course demo, not for real world applications !!! Those ary very difficult !!!)
A simple monocular visual odometry (part of vSLAM) by ORB keypoints with initialization, tracking, local map and bundle adjustment. (WARNING: Hi, I'm sorry that this project is tuned for course demo,...
2 Python API functions for point cloud conversion between Open3D and ROS. Compatible for XYZ and XYZRGB point type.
Use a robot arm (Baxter) mounted with a depth camera to scan an object's 3D model.
(1) 3D scan object by Baxter. (2) Label objects automatically by depth camera and (3) train Yolo. (4) [TODO; NOT DONE YET!!!] Finally, detect object and fit 3D model to know the 6D pose.
Coding: ①Path planning: RRT*, A*; ② Tracking: Optimization, PurePursuit, FollowLine. ③Planning and control on a mobile manipulator
Which object a person is pointing at? Detect it by using YOLO, Openpose and depth image (under customized scene).
A python node to detect planes from depth image by using RANSAC algorithm. Input/Output from/to ROS topics.
Visualize 3d humans' skeletons(body+hands) in ros rviz. The 2d joints are detected by openpose; The depth is from depth image.
Run 3 scripts to (1) Synthesize images (by putting few template images onto backgrounds), (2) Train YOLOv3, and (3) Detect objects for: one image, images, video, webcam, or ROS topic.