Dominik G.

Results 155 comments of Dominik G.

looks like this recent change broke the fallback and expects the global to be set always, which isn't the case in vitest env leading to ```bash TypeError: Cannot read...

workaround to stub it via vitest, use vites own tooling to load an env config and supply the public prefixes to globalThis.__sveltekit_dev. Note that this is a workaround, and the...

Love that there are multiple providers from the start :heart: One thing to note is that the adapter config hook is also new. Was that added to kit before or...

Are you building for safari12? sveltekit 1.0 uses vite 4.0 which defaults to safari14 as minimum target. And iirc safari

for vite config it's a matter of taste, as vite bundles it on the fly either way (not great imho, but it is what it is). svelte config otoh always...

yes it is, > Vite also directly supports TS config files. You can use vite.config.ts with the defineConfig helper as well.

vite-pwa is already mentioned in our docs , last paragraph links to , see also

they changed this.warn to this.error, which fails the build. this is probably desired, nontheless updating can fail a build that previously passed with a warning.

general note on `await expect`: i think in this instance it's ok to use it, but in general this is not what we want. esp within framework tests we want...

i'll close this, the test run above showed it passing with chromium, so it's not the runner interfering but playwright+webkit