Dominik G.

Results 155 comments of Dominik G.

thanks for working on improving esm compatibility :heart: Please keep in mind that adding an exports map is almost always a breaking change and you have to list all exports...

I don't know the details behind the current structure of this package, just provided links to information how to make this esm compatible. Most ways to do this are a...

is adding the setup file to the tsconfig the only way to get this to work? I'm using a monorepo where the vitest config is created in a separate package...

Removing PreprocessorGroup makes it a bit harder for preprocessors like vitePreprocess to be easily added in one line. To avoid users having to add multiple imported parts, it would help...

setting the `browser` condition via config directly can be a problem too, as vite resolve.conditions is treated a bit differently than other values by vite config merging. To make sure...

Unfortunately that won't help with @vekunz case, openid-client depends on jose and jose package.json has an interesting exports map. for deno and bun they expose the same export as for...

Agree that what jose does works in regular environments and usecases, still interesting that bun/deno get the browser file via their own conditions whereas node gets a node file via...

cc @bluwy @dummdidumm @ignatiusmb

related work: contains an export for standalone preprocessors unsing vite config, these could be used to generate the preprocessed output without additional features in v-p-s. It may still be...

jsconfig.json is supported in tsconfck v3, but you need to explicitly enable it with an option, there is no automatic/hybrid mode where it looks for tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json simultaneously tsconfck...