Dominik G.

Results 155 comments of Dominik G.

no, thats just how html parsing works

Here is a basic library that implements what i outlined in the initial post You can tell it the tags you are interested in (useful for custom tags like...

lang=ts is also used by vite and possibly other tools, we had an effort in svelte-preprocess before and abandoned it because it caused multiple issues. tsconfig.json is notoriously hard to...

> I remember rixo saying that it's possible to check for that and fall back to the regular accepts if the environment doesn't support acceptExports? That way we can potentially...

vite-plugin-svelte 4 is ready for its first prerelease: would be good if svelte 5 had this PR and landing soon so we can raise the minimum peer dep... is ready to go which contains inspector with Svelte 5

also reported here (please mention cross-links in the future to avoid duplicated work) from the comments there it appears you are using lots of event handlers. Can you provide...

vite 4.4 uses 0.18 , latest vitest should too. `pnpm dedupe` could do, otherwise adding an override to package.json, but overriding it risks breaking something.

as @teobgeno mentioned, mdsvex layouts do not support using typescript in them directly. see for a workaround using a small wrapper. closing as unrelated to svelte