Dominik G.

Results 155 comments of Dominik G.

unfortunately has been set to Draft and it is unclear how vite is handling this in the future. So for now we wait...

to work around this problem, prefer deep imports of .svelte files, see also I wonder if the addition of tailwind in the reproduction plays a part here too.

closing per @benmccann's comment. The crash in the original report likely happened due to the large number of requests.

here we compare the name field in package.json with the key in "dependencies": this would not work for renamed packages. We have to validate it though because there may...

@Spenhouet this issue is very specific about using the `npm:` protocol to rename dependencies (for no reason) the library you posted `svelte-heros` does not export ChevronUpSolid, from what i can...

or use it properly. Anyways please don't use this bug to chat. your messages are off-topic here. The svelte discord can be used to ask for help ( #svelte...

#### broken code from repo above App.svelte ```html import Counter, { visible } from './Counter.svelte' visible.set(true)}>Show visible.set(false)}>Hide ``` Counter.svelte ```html import { writable } from 'svelte/store' let text = writable('')...

> a great temporary fix could be to fully reload if a component has exports in context="module" unfortunately that would be pretty devastating for sveltekit which exports flags from context=module...

If vite-plugin-svelte triggered a full-reload for every hmr update of a svelte component with exports from `context=module` that would lead to a very frustrating experience for sveltekit where these exports...