Dominik G.

Results 155 comments of Dominik G.

:+1: It gets a bit more complicated than just preserving the `direct` param. Right now vite-plugin-svelte compiles the .svelte files and stores the css in a cache + returns a...

If you always import `Foo.svelte` first before the browser sends a request to `Foo.svelte?svelte&type=style&lang.css` it'll work without additional compiling. Others may not be so cautious so it would still make...

@matthewp is this still something you need/miss?

the problem with fork-and-modify is that updates like the one from yesterday that work around issues with package managers or other changes/improvements would have to be pulled/merged. A published cli...

unit test files are colocated in src, do we need to update tsconfig.json or show how that works at least so that users can have different ts settings for unit...

> @dominikg why would you need different TypeScript settings for unit vs app code? eg node env vs not

it depends, for basic unit tests sharing the same tsconfig works. but I've seen multiple projects splitting it into a separate tsconfig.test.json with include and exclude. due to the way...

is a blocker here? not supporting these makes some unit tests harder/ impossible related:

looks like a recent change in esbuild triggers this. please try downgrading to 0.16.8 and see if that fixes it.

another option to try is to add the library to optimizeDeps.exclude in vite config, which prevents it from getting prebundled with esbuild during dev