Dominik G.

Results 155 comments of Dominik G.

the problem this solves is basically that two plugins both use parallel hooks but these hooks depend on each other. Introducing a new hook in between solves this particular issue,...

Not sure if needed here but this exists in case you want to know if the os is insensitive.

great, i'll try to get this going. Please post ideas/requirements here. One thing i'm thinking about is having a js config file thats auto-discovered (think vite.config.js) and a generic cli...

Additional idea, make it easy to call/trigger via comment on PR with a link ( actionable only for triage or maintainers?)

#language-tools on [svelte discord]( is a great place if you have questions.

duplicate of #268

code is here the `s-undefined` class was a bug thats been fixed. I wonder how and why the `@screen` fell out of the scoped part. thanks for finding it...

i'm so sorry, got sidetracked by other issues. had a look at your api exposure code and it's looking good. think I'll have to call extract and transform. i'm thinking...

hmm, tried this code ```ts export function createWindicssApiStylePreprocessorFromVite( windiPlugin: Plugin ): PreprocessorGroup { const windiAPI = windiPlugin.api as WindiPluginUtils return { style: async ({ content, filename }) => { windiAPI.extractFile(content,filename,false);...

this looks ok for me, would be great to validate that it works as expected on windows. The logic of resolving the "svelte" field in package.json isn't really bundler dependant...