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Results 294 django issues
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Hi! It fixes [ticket 12090]( - **New discussion thread**: - When `save_on_top` is `True` looks like: ![image]( - To run tests please do: `./ admin_views.test_actions.AdminDetailActionsTest`

We can introduce ``s in the Django action selector. This can easily be done by slightly extending the decorator with a group, and rewriting the logic of `get_action_choices` to introduce...

When executing `str` on `django.db.models.sql.query.Query` objects, string parameters will be wrapped in single quotation marks. For example: ``` str(Article.objects.filter(headline="", id=1).values("id").query) ``` returns ``` SELECT "backends_article"."id" FROM "backends_article" WHERE ("backends_article"."headline" =...

Fixes #34643 by moving admin form labels above the inputs instead of left aligned. Before - After -


ticket-28011 c5a77721e2fccff427374cd987a6d8b92a37f37c removed the only override of `ForeignObjectRel.is_hidden()`, leaving it duplicative of the `hidden` attribute. This PR removes the method, replacing all use with the attribute only.

Fixes [#35038]( I created a method within the `BaseConstraint` class that returns a copy of the Constraint object without the two fields (`violation_error_code` and `violation_error_message`) that do not affect the...

Djangonauts :rocket: