django icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django copied to clipboard

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[Fixes 34024]( Test added alongside those added with the original PR by Josh.

We often say to locally exclude files from git, if they're IDE specific for example. The NPM lock file though is something that we'd expect to come up for any...

Extended from @apollo13 patch: Tried to address the PR comments which were to add handling for the auto_now fields and a test for the mti case.

We experience this in after moving to OSCP4. It looks like this error can be safely ignored because file is uploaded.

we use `MyModel` in following examples ```python class MyModel(models.Model): composite_pk = models.CompositeField('column1', 'column2', primary_key=True) column1 = IntegerField() column2 = IntegerField() class MyModel2(models.Model): model_id = models.CompositeField('column1', 'column2') column1 = IntegerField() column2...