django icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django copied to clipboard

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[Fixes #34007]( **Notes**: - I've only updated the one instance that fixes this discrepancy – should we update all `ValidationError` raised from `UniqueConstraint.validate()` to use `code="unique"`? - I've updated the...

Hi Carlton/Mariusz, I had a look through the ordering code and it seems safe to assume that anything of the form `order_by(related__something)` must assume "something" is a field and not...

Added 10 hours to the month duration for intervals longer than 2 months. Adding 10 hours directly to the constant would break other tests, so the fix is added in...

[Fixed #33984]( Fixed Related managers cache gets stale after saving a fetched model with new PK. Added a condition for refreshing ```related_managers_cache``` when ``` == None``` and ```self._state.adding == True```...


In the example code there is the use of "from" and "from article**s**.uvw" . I think this is a typo and `articles` should be consistently used.

I had some strange behavior were Django started watching the whole file system. After some testing I noticed that if the TEMPLATES/DIRS parameter in the is a string instead...

Fixed [Ticket #33871 ]( Changes - - After form validation check fails, set form's data as initial data - Added `set_initial_data` function in BaseForm - Added unit test for `set_intial_data`...

Hello, Today a colleague wasn't sure on how to refer to a `RelatedObjectDoesNotExist` exception and we ended up reading the source code to figure it out. Thought you may appreciate...