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你好 eigen库怎么安装呢 报如下错:/src/purepursuit/include/cubic_spline.h:14:10: fatal error: Eigen/Eigen: 没有那个文件或目录 #include _Originally posted by @yinflight in


Hello, I want to use the physical robot, besides changing the tracking path, what else need to be changed?

您好,我在尝试运行你的代码: `roslaunch car_model spawn_car.launch`时,报错如下问题: `[ERROR] [1715433333.140665879, 0.130000000]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /smart/gazebo_ros_control/pid_gains/rear_right_wheel_joint [ERROR] [1715433333.141523318, 0.130000000]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /smart/gazebo_ros_control/pid_gains/rear_left_wheel_joint`; 经过百度,问题出在 car_model 功能包的config文件夹里面的smart_control_config.yaml 文件,但是根据网上的修改方法:更换pid为pid_gains并不管用,请问这个问题该怎么解决呢?