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:zap: :aquarius: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation

Results 155 prokka issues
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Hi dear Looking at your prokka-uniprot_to_fasta_db script, I wonder if I can retrieve KEGG accession genes instead of COG. There are more than 20 millon entries in trembl with linked...

Hi, I've searched through the issues so hopefully this hasn't been mentioned before. It seems that Prokka run's into problems when a fasta header starts with `>0 `. In this...

Hi, thanks for the great prokka ! I can update prokka uniprot database by prokka-uniprot_to_fasta_db command. Now I am wondering how about the IS and AMR db? In my prokka...

Hi This: ~~~ 'parallel' => { GETVER => "parallel --version | grep -E 'parallel 2[0-9]{7}\$'", REGEXP => qr/parallel (\d+)/, MINVER => "20130422", NEEDED => 1, }, ~~~ is not supported...

Hi, I am using prokka to generate annotated file. I use genome assembly of five different strains of bacteria for annotation. I got the output but I am confused with...

Hello, It continues to fail at the blastp step. Any thoughts? cat \/projects\/raw_lab\/Cerberus\/data\/prokka_results_RW1\/\/RW1\.IS\.tmp\.30508\.faa | parallel --gnu --plain -j 8 --block 6121 --recstart '>' --pipe blastp -query - -db /users/taouk/.conda/envs/cerberus_env/db/kingdom/Bacteria/IS -evalue...

Hi, I am new to prokka and am lost... when I try to test run prokka in compute canada, an error happens: ERROR: [09:32:36] Looking for 'makeblastdb' - found /home/nanzhen/prokka/bin/../binaries/linux/makeblastdb...

Hello, Is there a way to continue an interrupted run? This would be useful if a large job was running on a cluster and killed near the end for exceeding...

Hi @tseemann I observed an inconsistency when annotating a genome with prokka. First I downloaded the M. ulcerans Agy99 genome ( fasta and genebank format). I performed annotation on the...

Hi, I am trying to download prokka with brew install brewsci/bio/prokka But got an issue on downloading, Error: SHA256 mismatch Expected: 3c266a32d4bad75648ce6d64eda31717db54f8c282097e9978ff77166fc15abc Actual: 99b37803617e599f98a14794cfbe0bff8ed83e0fa8ce87510182bc937e192325 To retry an incomplete download, remove...