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:zap: :aquarius: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation

Results 155 prokka issues
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I have carried out the following annotation run on ~1000 isolates: `for i in `more list`; do echo ${i}; prokka ${i} --proteins fm204883.genbank --locustag SEQ --outdir ${i}_prokka_results; done` This has...

hi, everyone, after update prokka 1.14.6, the running is wrong, the error information is following, Any help will be really appriecated. thanks very much. [12:22:25] Deleting unwanted file: Temp/sprot.faa [12:22:25]...

Hello Prokka Team, I am trying to run prokka on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS laptop using a fresh install (installed 20FEB2022) of Prokka via conda (minconda3) and I'm not sure...

Hi, I was using prokka with a custom db and it "found" and annotated genes that are not in the sequence. (I tried to locate some of the annotations in...

Hi! I am trying to annotate some genomes from a custom database using --proteins and a gbk file with trusted annotations from an NCBI-annotated genome (let's call it X). However,...

Hello, I noticed that prokka contains the [lists of domain-specific Rfam covariance models](, which is very useful and helps focus just on the relevant RNAs. However, the SQL queries used...

Hi, I am installing prokka in several ways but it show following error: ###Tried these different ways to install prokka: sudo apt install prokka conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda...

Hi team, I'm a new user to Ubuntu, and when I started to follow the instructions, I got this error. E: Unable to locate package libdatetime-perl E: Unable to locate...

Hello, recently I used prokka to annotate a metagenome file in fasta format, but it seems to fail and only accomplished with four Output Files, which formats called fna, faa,...

Older Bioperl reports version strings like "1.006002". Newer Bioperl reports version strings like "1.7.8". So, the assumption that the version strings can be cast to floats could be incorrect. Use...