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Connect the latest version of Gazebo with ros2_control.

Results 53 gz_ros2_control issues
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I've been working on Launching multiple [create3](https://github.com/iRobotEducation/create3_sim) robots in simulation with **ignition edifice** and **ROS2**. This feature is not supported out of the box with the **create3_sim** package and so...

## Environment * OS Version: Ubuntu 20.04 (WSL2) * Source or binary build? Ignition Fortress Binary - rendering plugin: ogre Error: Hello Ignition developers. I'm trying to spawn a robot...


## Environment * OS Version: Ubuntu 20.04 * Source or binary build? Using source branch foxy with commit d1f8bec223bb98e77ff0042992d6c9bffc206942 ## Description * Expected behavior: Robot stays upright when simulation starts...

help wanted

**Describe the bug** When inspecting the gz_ros2_control code - in particular the [GazeboSimSystem::perform_command_mode_switch](https://github.com/ros-controls/gz_ros2_control/blob/master/gz_ros2_control/src/gz_system.cpp#L545) method in gz_systems.cpp I found a potential bug: The [ControlMethod enum](https://github.com/ros-controls/gz_ros2_control/blob/master/gz_ros2_control/include/gz_ros2_control/gz_system_interface.hpp#L94) ``` enum ControlMethod_ { NONE =...


Related with this PR on gazebo_ros2_control https://github.com/ros-controls/gazebo_ros2_control/pull/294

good first issue
help wanted

I have setup an ackerman controller based on the demo's mentioned in the repo - https://github.com/ros-controls/gz_ros2_control/tree/master. The controller is used in non chained mode. I have setup the plugin to...

Hi, I found a bug in `IgnitionROS2ControlPlugin::Configure` that prevents using multiple controller managers with varying parameter files. IMO, this is a pretty important use case for people working on multi-robot...

The binary deb release for Ubuntu Noble (24.04) based Rolling is not available in the repo. It might be related to the `ign`->`gz` rename, perhaps it flew under the radar....

When I run this command:**ros2 launch ign_ros2_control_demos cart_example_effort.launch.py**, the whole program crashes and the log output is ign gazebo server: - symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/humble/lib/libign_ros2_control-system.so: undefined symbol: _ZN18hardware_interface15ResourceManager9load_urdfERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEbb - [ERROR]...

When I add the effort command interface to the test_cart_velocity.xacro.urdf example, the velocity example stops working. I modified the example to reproduce the bug https://github.com/BarisYazici/gz_ros2_control/blob/humble/ign_ros2_control_demos/urdf/test_cart_velocity.xacro.urdf.
