react-draggable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-draggable copied to clipboard

React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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As an example When I use the antd modal component (any component can be reproduced), I use the drag and drop function. At this time, if I add an input...

Webpack build updated to use externally provided `classnames` and `prop-types` packages Also `module` field added that points to ES module index file, which has the same export structure as index.js...

When using IE, Edge(13, 14 and 15), if this react-draggable is in an iframe, the draggable item gets 'stuck' on the mouse if the user attempts to drag it off...

Based on this original PR:, but removed conflicts with dist files. Also, added an additional test to check for scale prop and an example for the example page. Wasn't...

This is an initial attempt at adding percentage based offsets to address #63. One of the odd things in this plugin is the ability to cancel the drag events by...

Fixes issue #213 by support for bound='parent' with SVG. Closes: #213

Fixes issue #221 by allowing user to call `preventDefault` manually within event handlers instead of having it always called for them.

**Problem** When dragging it's a challenge to manage state from refs because internally `this.setState` will always override any `refs.setState` making it useless. Even if you return false from the function...