react-draggable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-draggable copied to clipboard

React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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Assuming your component looked like this: ```js ``` What ends up happening is the drag snaps to whatever direction and then becomes unusable. The expected behavior is that of being...

I want to track the (x, y) coordinates of the `Draggable` component. I can't use the `position` prop like this, because then I cannot drag the component anymore: ``` const...

I have two nested `` components. I set the `handleDrag` on the deepest element as so: ``` const handleDrag = (e, data) => { // Do the job e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();...

If set grid [10, 10] at draggable, it works fine. But when set grid [0, 10], it works weird.

The "Demo" link on goes to which results in 404 - Page not found response. Note: The demo link in the here in GitHub works.

Now every click triggers both `onStart` and `onEnd`. It would be nice if I could specify maximum mouse offset and/or timeout until which drag operation will not start.

How can I prevent the page redirect while dragging an anchor tag but still redirect when I only clicked it? Tried using `preventDefault()` inside `onDrag` handler but it also disable...

Hello! I want to fix this repository. So, I tried to build an environment. but, I couldn't it. I ran "yarn dev", I got the following error. How can I...

According to the docs Draggable should ignore internal state when posiontion prop is specified, but this does not seem to be the case, see an example here

Hello, `react-draggable` maintainers! I think your package is lovely, and we use it for a video call interface in which we have a draggable "video panel" that can be moved...