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React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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Hello, When the bounds are provided as html selector, their computations doesn't use the container position. So the draggable can move in the selector area. The area size is the...

this is an initial PR to migrate from the now deprecated `findDomNode` to using `ref` functionality wise this PR seems to work, there are however some problems that I could...

The react-draggable component has two issues when the "bounds" prop is used: 1. If the boundaries are changed in props on re-rendering, the new boundaries are not taken into account....

Updated the transform css and svg attribute to allow for rotation to be passed through.

Inspired by PR #348, I added some additional logic so if the specified `bound` is an HTML element a ResizeObserver will watch for changes and update the bounds + coords...

I'll find some time to write the tests and the doc only if this PR is about to being merged.

I'll find some time to write the tests and the doc only if this PR is about to being merged.

as `div` don't have `onStart`, `onStop` props, those props belongs to its parent's.

feat: scale support { w: number; h: number } relate to [react-grid-layout PR](

Here I have: `` but I am able to drag notes completely around the viewport with it being restricted to the viewport's edges. This is not what I want, I...