react-draggable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-draggable copied to clipboard

React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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Is there a way to use this library without bundling the prop-types dependency? If this would be published as a module it would be possible to use [babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types]( I guess....

Example: The desktop mode works ok. Mobile mode not fired the event (you can try on mobile or with dev tools - same result).

React version - 17.0.2 Draggable version - 4.4.4 ``` {children} test ``` in the above snippet I am getting the console error noted in the title. I have tried with...

Am I missing something in the API? Or is the `` tag not supported? Consider the following code sample: ```js Click here to drag. ```

Hi, Found a bug. If mouse pointer cross element with onFocus event, while dragging, element get focus and cause event. But mouse button is not released. Attached video as example....

When to add scale attribute?

Bounds seem to be calculated only on drag which presents a couple of issues: 1) If bounds are changed and passed down from a parent component they will not be...

Currently, just after a single click, you can drag it. It's messing up some stuff in my web app. I'd like to make it drag only after a double-click. How...