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React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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Is there a prop that can be used or any new approaches to keep a draggable floating window within viewport even when the browser has been resized. Currently a draggable...

I need to custom css transform style, like add rotate.

Sorry about the rubbish title, couldn't think of a way to make it concise :P Basically I have a draggable tab (which is used to display a full screen map),...

## Description - If we have set axis to 'x | y | none' position is changed also for the axis that is not draggable at that moment. If we...

I want to return the coordinates to the default position by clicking the button. ![image]( Is there a way to do this?

How to get the offsetLeft and offsetTop of the element which is being draggable ? This returns the position of the element with respect to its parent container

I want to be able to delete or otherwise change a Draggable when it's dropped over another div, is that possible?

**Description** set bounds to parent, if the parent element has x-overflow, the drag element cannot drag to the right edge of the parent. ```js // parent has x-overflow dragme ```...

**The situation** I want to generate a new component (a new card) over some drag-and-drop-function. The plan: If the user start to drag from a button at the sidebar, a...