react-draggable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-draggable copied to clipboard

React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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These commits make it possible to install this package from a git URL.

Attach the mousedown event handler to the node, likewise to the touchstart, so that it may be cancelled if needed and otherwise handled more uniformly

The matchesSelectorAndParents to function throws error when the querySeelctor.all() is being called. This only happens when the Draggable component uses handle / cancel.

onDrag events should only run when there is change in position. It's possible to filter these events in "userland" but this should really be the default behavior for the package,...

This was caused by `onStop` erroneously recalculating coordinates, which is not necessary / should not happen in the real world, as `mouseup` and `touchend` should not pass `clientX` and `clientY`...

We noticed that the behavior on Draggable was different when right-clicking vs. ctrl-clicking, even though they should be treated the same. This modifies it so ctrl-clicks are not considered as...

onDrag or onStop returns wrong positions when using grid and scale