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React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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I want set the position for a draggable window for full screen mode. Sometimes I dragged the window to left and making the window to full screen, now the fullscreen...

> > after I check the getBoundPosition function , I think node.offsetLeft does not contains css3 transform translate that positionOffset makes. referer [How do I get the position of an...

I'm using this great library to add dragging functionality to components and it works great. However, I have the following issue: - Before I was using this library, I could...

Can i move a draggable to a `div` block and it can only be dropped within that? If i release the mouse outside the `div`, draggable will return to it...

In this simple example i'm trying to randomly position David, then set state when he is moved, but the draggable jumps. Is positionOffset retriggering and is it mean to do...

im trying to use nodeRef to handle my draggable component but i get a bad manner on it. Here is a basic example of my code: ``` Click here to...

I would like to drag a component and drop a copy of a component. So if I started with one draggable component and drag/dropped it into a box, there should...

if tsconfig .paths alias used, tsc produces an error ``` "paths": { "alias-reactDraggable": ["./node_modules/react-draggable"] } ``` ``` test.tsx:4:40 - error TS2306: File '../react-draggable/typings/index.d.ts' is not a module. ``` repo with...

if I want a div can be draggable and resizable at the same time. Can I do this ? : ``` Contents ```

I try to update a container scroll while dragging and I notice that it doesn't work with the touch event type At the bottom of the examples page, there's a...