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React draggable component

Results 172 react-draggable issues
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Say I want to create tags on an image, the tags are initially positioned by top/left css with percentages. However, when you use draggable on these tags, its only changing...

If you are dragging an element in Safari, the cursor turns into the text selection cursor. If the elements reaches its constraints aka. its containers border and the mouse drags...

When a dom with "position:relative" between [Dragable bounds=".wrapper"] and [div className="wrapper" ], the Dragable's bounds will be {{left:0, right:Horizontal scroll,top: 0, bottom: vertical scroll}}, that means I can't drag it...

in this case : `` ` ` ` ` ` bound drag ` `` `` bound option seems work fine to lock the draggable div in 800*600 area, but offset...

I have two Draggable headers overlaid on an image, all of which is inside of a div. The user has the ability to move the text around on top of...

Hi, the child get transform:rotate(-90px) but react-draggable still calculate the child width instead of height... ![rotate issue](

The props injected into child components can conflict with the other props of the child component. Example: ```jsx import { forwardRef, useRef } from "react"; import Draggable from "react-draggable"; import...

I am using `react-sliding-side-panel` npm in reactjs. And, render `Draggable` inside `SlidingPanel`. It is working well outside `SlidingPanel` panel. But not working inside `SlidingPanel`. This is my code. ``` import...

I'm trying to center an element in the middle of its container and only allow to drag it inside it. Is there a way to do that without having to...

When structuring a component like this: ``` ``` If you rotate the inner div at any time (for example: style.transform += "rotate(30deg)") it will be reset the first time you...