Keenan Brock

Results 228 comments of Keenan Brock

This is stale. Is someone making the proposed changes? I understand difficult PRs stagnating, but this one is a little too straight forwards

circling back to old issues Seems logical to following rails `save!`, and that raises `RecordInvalid` or `ValidationError`. These should flow properly through the API. We run into a snag since...

I feel that the kwargs changes can just get merged into master and not be part of this PR (including the spec changes that split out the kwargs. Not sure...

update: - rebased to master (to fix merge issues) - rebased to accept the kwargs changes - just pulled out another PR... we'll see how that goes

update: - rebased master (kwargs was merged in separate PR and had a few changes)

Yay. I remember starting this removal 6 years ago with GM. so happy it is down to the last remains I do seem to remember that these tests would only...

fwiw/ the failure is related to `tools/miqldap_to_sssd/cli_convert.rb` which was just deleted. I'm not sure if this tool is used for miq ldap, or used to help us configure external ldap...

> The initial intent of this tool was to convert configurations **from** `MiqLdap` [...] > However it can also be used to do initial configurations of external auth Seems like...

Looking through authenticator/httpd.rb and it doesn't look like it will do lookups or creates correctly when the name comes across at `name\\domain`. I thought ldap had a number of different...

can chop `custom.css` -- Since the file does not have a timestamp, we have a short timeout, and the client checks if the file has changed on every page load....