Keenan Brock

Results 228 comments of Keenan Brock

UNWIP: we have converted all supports calls to use `supports?(:feature) Looks like we can merge this if we would like to go with this idea

> > we have converted all supports calls to use `supports?(:feature)` > > I am not so sure. Need to check callers in UI and API repos. does look like...

There are 3 references in ui classic that I see (one of which is a spec stubs): Both are there to bridges `AvailabilityMixin` and `SupportsFeatureMixin`: We also have...

WIP: I am concerned about that depends upon the supports method being defined to know if it should use supports or availability. Lets hold off on this until we...

This commit 7c78517f3e2 is from 2013 via @lfu I do remember running into this scenario years back, but can't place why. Think it was a customer who had a yaml...

The only concern I have is when we export a bunch of miq_reports in a single yaml file. I thought this was needed to import it back again. That is...

/cc @bdunne I think you are the one who added the original code for deprecated attributes. Or maybe we worked on it together to fix something from someone else? Anyway,...

@miq-bot cross_repo_test /all I'm having second thoughts. While I don't think it is necessary, it looks like this feature may be supported by attributes api (when it is used on...

Maybe: ```ruby Array.wrap(value || from[key]).first ``` double check that `value = {}` works for that

Sorry, I was just making a fly by suggestion for ruby only. I am not sure if this is relevant for your conversation. ```diff def self.get_option(key, value, from) - data...