Keenan Brock

Results 228 comments of Keenan Brock

So you are deleting a session that is not valid... Seems that it would be able to delete a session that was found. The solution should live in `delete_session`, guess...

I see you have added the following suggestion to my code: ```diff - @cache[name] ||= main[name] + @cache[name] ||= main.fetch(name) ``` I'm not sure why I would rather use `fetch`...

To answer my question: and and lol - yes, makes sense that mbj doesn't want a preference system

SimpleCov has a standard output, would it be possible to generate that? You could hookup to [code climate]( - and coveralls has information about [multiple custom formatters]( together. Looks like...

@mbj agreed - it is lossy. but it is a very common format for others. Would be great to get mutant code coverate into CodeClimate and/or travis. I'll say this...

I keep throwing around the idea of using sqlite as the interim format. I guess that is kinda the same thing as using json. But I guess the concept of...

This is a little out there, but what about using sqlite as a report format? You can write pretty darn quickly to the format and it can be parsed in...

Is the goal to produce a log file that other systems can use out of the box? Or is the thought that the log will be internally focused, with log...

Hello Gioele, Have you tried cloning the object before you called `add_child`? Does this fix it for you? --Keenan

Hi @gioele, I think libxml2 has trouble with a single node being in 2 documents. Each document has a different namespace objects, even though the objects happen to have the...