Keenan Brock

Results 228 comments of Keenan Brock

yea, `transform rx,ry rotate(r) transform y,x` will work for all. I was trying to change as little as possible with the top/bottom also, I'm not sure why you don't want...

I tried hard to follow the [layout project guidelines]( and discussed the rotation ideas with him. This is my first time with vue, and my javascript is average. So any...

Think I like the way #113 uses a no-op object to avoid the nil checks. That one makes fewer changes to the interface of those objects. Which is good. It...

I rebased it and have a question around approaches I like adding the stdout. that is basically done and I can add a spec to test that I have never...

Sorry for the long long lag on this one. Ok, so the pattern that I said may be contrived is basically the one that you pointed in my direction. Coverage...

if you don't want the comparison results, you create a suite and have that output to the appropriate output. `capture!` will not be captured, that may be possible at some...

Does #89 meet your needs? Please comment there if you need something different --K

I think that is saying that this is basically close enough.

ok, so iterm has the ability to kick off a script if it matches a regular expression that may be another viable solution