Keenan Brock

Results 228 comments of Keenan Brock

suggestion: (was out of band) putting here so it doesn't get lost ```ruby # @param type Vm def reconfigure_resource(type, id, data = nil) api_resource(type, id, "Reconfigure") do |vm| options =...

@jaisejose1123 could you push a more recent version of this? I'm curious where it currently stands I marked as wip. please remove the WIP when you are ready for review....

Most of this data should be retrieved using the standard `GET` api. Much of the data has a little manipulation but is pretty standard We do run into problems...

update: - Rebased - Fixed whitespace, and unused parameter rubocop: - Left `api_resource` with an actual block - follows the pattern better

WIP: testing ensuring it was approved

I see specs for creating it:

@GilbertCherrie you can get the groups by passing the parameter: `:attributes => "miq_groups"`. I ensured it worked with both an individual user and a collection of users.

There is a `deep_symbolize_keys` in there. I'll see what parts of the symbolize are necessary.

## Process Our settings is stored in yaml and edited in json: |where|data format|note| |-----|-----|----| |fs or db|yaml|| |ruby|ruby objects|converted from yaml| |ruby|json|converted to json, prepping for send| |browser|json|user edits|...

Notes from @gtanzillo and @kbrock: - yaml to yaml being the same is not necessary. we care about ruby objects comparison to ruby objects. - json is the only one...