Keenan Brock

Results 228 comments of Keenan Brock

kicking again. not sure why it did not setup the database correctly. update: - rebased to pick up some of the extracted gems - rebased to pickup the `Gemfile` changes....

update: - rebase Hoping to fix the db migrate issues

Is it possible to remove the delegation to parent managers in general? Whether they are virtual delegates, regular delegates, or belongs_to, they all make things so inefficient and convoluted.

When dealing with screens, it is tricky to have a relationship that is defined in a subclass.

I misspoke. Delegating connection and keeping credentials works great. It is the delegations that are used to search, order, or display something on the screen that would be nice to...

fixed merge @chessbyte and @Fryguy I am not sure if I like deny by default or if I like this being explicit. But it definitely does simplify the code. We'll...

failure: and.... we're adding more of these supports methods by the day.

Do we really want to do this? This was an alternative to delegates as a way to cut down on so much boiler plate. deleting supports_ calls are the basis...

WIP: we need to convert the long name to the short name for this to work. Otherwise, we would be calling a bunch of methods that did not exist and...

build error was sporadic, kicking that single test again