Keenan Brock

Results 228 comments of Keenan Brock

Would be nice to change our ems fetching queries to not need so many `includes()` when their sole purpose is to answer whether a vm or ems is tagged to...

WIP: I do not know how to detect if this workflow is still running. (per @jrafanie comments) So it is possible that we destroy a long running workflow. Although, a...

@jrafanie do we want to merge this with #21485 ? There was more thought for what records want to be deleted over there Here I focused on the purging infrastructure....

green with both #22003 and #21982 Trying with rake_test_initialize (without the evm_dba_tasks)

rails61 has been merged

In the past: - get `request_id` from rack into thread local variable (like we do for locale) - ensure this `request_id` is used in the log context. - pass `request_id`...

I quickly grep-ed through the code and did not find any reports/views with strange `col_format` entries. all seemed to be valid method names.

I guess business process from here changes as developers will need to know how to view these logs on appliances. also guessing we'll need to stop rotating logs and stuff

failing test: Not sure if my previously suggested fix will change that or if the tests need to change because they are expecting something to come out of the loggers....

So I can't tell which you are requesting: - Delete `request` records that are associated with VMs that have been removed. Then deleting the user will work because they are...