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This refs the closed ticket (do we `#Refs` wontfix tickets?) I'm not really sure what we want to say here - Mariusz or Simon will have better phrasing -...

ticket -[ #34566]( ### ModelAdmin get_field_queryset uses related admin ordering, but not related admin querysets.

This addresses [Trac ticket #16429]( requesting configurable caching of FilePathField options. Includes documentation and tests. All tests pass on my machine.

DjangoCon 🦄 Continued from #16075.

Ticket: This ticket has been laying about for over a decade and I decided I'd have a stab at closing it. ## The problem Django forms do not validate... As explained in the ticket, while running the `loaddata`, we get the below error. this change would skip the deserialization for this table, which will subsequently allow `loaddata` to...

Unlike Chromium-based browsers, Firefox does not automatically scroll elements into view when using the Actions API with `move_to_element`. This calls the `scrollIntoView` function explicitly, which fixes some selenium tests when...
