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Results 294 django issues
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Fixes [#35074]( Changing an existing spatial field's `spatial_index` attribute caused migrations to be generated, but those migrations did not actually apply the change to the database by creating/dropping the index...

Over the past few months there have been a lot of regressions and subsequent fixes for various issues with RTL CSS. For example: #17561, #17558, #17556,, #17514, #16685, #16684,...

Ref to old [PR]( Ticket: [35033](

Adding this clarification in hope others won't get the same wrong expectation and got burned like me. If `ignore_conflicts` is True, `bulk_create` will still return all submitted instances, including those...

Hi @carltongibson I was a little unsure what the next step should be. My mind went to the parsers. We'll want folk to be able to add their own, and...

Persistent database connections do not work in Django 4.0+ when running under ASGI; this caused a "too many database connections" problem that was difficult for me to find any information...

I think the correct solution to this security error was to add a validation step that rejects user names with certain characters, I hope this is the correct solution and...

Implement a new QuerySet.update_returning() that executes a QuerySet.update() and returns modified rows on databases that support UPDATE RETURNING (SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle)