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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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# Trac ticket number ticket-35326 # Branch description This patch handled temporary uploaded files when the filesystem storage allows overwriting files. # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main`...

Refs [ticket-34007]( & [ticket-35359]( Cherry picked from #16054 to be used in #18068 **Notes:** - I changed `@property` into `@cached_property`, this wasn't reviewed so will need to be confirmed whether...

TL;DR: Improve the accessibility of admin fieldsets and collapse them with a native HTML implementation. - Ticket: [#35189]( - Proof of concept: [Example 2: Details inside (no JS)]( - [Initial...

screenshots 🖼️
Djangonauts :rocket:

# Trac ticket number ticket-35378 # Branch description Incorrect folding of long address headers with special characters when using 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding in EmailMessage. # Checklist - [X] This PR targets...

# Branch description To extend our accessibility tests, added screenshots in forced-colors mode. # Checklist - [X] This PR targets the `main` branch. - [X] The commit message is written...

screenshots 🖼️

…ented more precisely. # Trac ticket number N/A # Branch description This is a trivial change which adjust the docs regarding the `width` and `height` fields for `ImageField`. If you...

# Trac ticket number ticket-8307 # Branch description This is an alternate approach from to solving 8307. # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main` branch. - [...

# Trac ticket number ticket-18119 # Branch description Provide a concise overview of the issue or rationale behind the proposed changes. This ticket adds a DomainNameValidator to validate International domain...

Djangonauts :rocket:

# Trac ticket number ticket-35407 # Branch description Optimization per ticket. # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main` branch. - [x] The commit message is written in past...