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Ticket : Following PR : #14550

This is the branch I created to fix the issue of admin widgets not quoting primary keys. I fixed it from the server side and client side(creating a function in...


This PR addresses - Ticket [#35137]( The change mainly include - Adding an Interactive button on the front of the Error Container (accessible using the keyboard) - Changes in the...

Following on from #17673, I noticed that we could make more use of `SimpleTestCase.settings()` and `SimpleTestCase.modify_settings()`. By making them static methods, we can also use them in `.setUpClass()`, etc. where...


Ticket: Forum discussions: This adds an async interface and implementation to `django.contrib.sessions`. This is based on the implementation from Andrew-Chen-Wang which was posted to the Django forum thread... To improve usability and accessibility, this PR replaces the link to change a user's password within the help text of the password field of the change user form by...

- reusing some parts of `nav-sidebar` without doing too much unnecessary changes in said element to keep the diff small at this stage of PR. - forum thread before...

In the modeladmin, when using raw_id_fields = ("parent",) in the ModelAdmin, the search button and name are aligned at the top. This PR fixes that allign. **Before** ![image]( **After** ![image](
