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Results 294 django issues
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# Trac ticket number ticket-34406 # Branch description Adds curved geometry support for GDAL geometries. As part of this I tried to add the `ForceTo*` bindings (e.g. [ForceToPolygon]( ). However,...

# Trac ticket number ticket-[number] # Branch description Provide a concise overview of the issue or rationale behind the proposed changes. # Checklist - [ ] This PR targets the...

[Ticket #26739]( Thanks @MarkusH , @apollo13 and @Gagaro for initial work. (#6870 ) checklist: - [x] Add test for ``ask_not_null_removal`` questioner.

…nce to File field # Trac ticket number ticket-35384 # Branch description Added code for raising `FieldError` when trying to save ContentFile instance to File field. - The issue originates...

# Trac ticket number N/A # Branch description I got confused by what the `pycon` language was in code examples and couldn't find an explanation in our docs. After figuring...

# Trac ticket number ticket-35402 # Branch description Previously, if a submodule skipped test classes in an adjacent submodule (same parent module), only the running submodule was imported and an...

Implemented the default behaviour of attaching Auto-Submitted : auto-generated header to emails by default. Created subclass of EmailMessage that allows users to opt-out of this default. Added unit tests for...

# Trac ticket number ticket-35405 # Branch description Optimization as described on ticket. # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main` branch. - [x] The commit message is written...

# Trac ticket number ticket-35408 # Branch description See ticket. # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main` branch. - [x] The commit message is written in past tense,...

# Trac ticket number N/A # Branch description The CSRF docs, in the 2nd point of how it works mention the csrf template tag but do not link to is....