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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

Results 282 django issues
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The URLValidator lets you know there is something wrong with the URL, but not why it is wrong. This commit adds a cause to the errors and more detail to...

…le that can't be imported Based on work by Rohith PR and others in PR #14622

Fix issues if related_admin has annotations in get_queryset that are used in ordering. See [#34566]( for a better explanation.

Hello, first of all I apologize if this is not the appropriate place to have this discussion, if not please direct me to the correct place. This is a try...

The current example for TimezoneMiddleware in the Django documentation uses sessions to store the user's time zone. With Django 4.0, the framework has deprecated the use of sessions for storing...

Initial work to address ticket-10088. Alternative to #15939 and #16172. Thought I'd get this out there as I've been sitting on it for a couple of years. I've rebased it....

For now this is only a failing test case to run against official CI. Hope it's OK to open such a PR. At some point this will hopefully become a...