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Results 107 ctftime.org issues
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I tried joining my team after it was automatically created by ctftime.org for CTFs going back to 2015, request is still pending for a couple of weeks (Initial Request 11/5/2021)....

Whenever I try to comment on a CTF, I get this error: ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10261186/156779974-84109954-1fec-40b7-9d0f-ab9de4d1c0ec.png) If I click on the link, I get a reCaptcha error message: ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10261186/156780091-47602df1-df3d-4be2-8d00-2c946f0ed395.png) I would gladly solve...

I applied to host t3n4ci0usctf, but I still haven't approved it. When do I get permission?

Hello, now the weight is correct but public voting is still up to 25. Can you fix also this please? The event is https://ctftime.org/event/1456 Thank you! _Originally posted by @mr-96...

There are features now where some events will not receive any weighting (e.g. if the organizers select `Casual`) but there is no way for players to know in advance just...

Hi, I run a high school Cyber Security team in Chicago. I had about 30 members on a team and we competed under our CTFtime team name known as JCP...

Perhaps I do not understand something, but this is not normal, when I request a list of upcoming events, I get a CORS error: Access to fetch at ```'https://ctftime.org/api/v1/events/?limit=10' from...

We added players before we merged with another team, now it isn't possible for us to remove these players anymore. It just fails.

I participated in a CTF with a team back in 2019, but didn't know of the existence of CTFtime back then, and failed to claim our team name in time....

Currently the trend is shifting from a single CTF event to qualification/final event style. In general this is nice, as in the end there are more CTFs happening, however the...