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Hi CTFtime maintainer, a few months ago, I tried to join my team as I was the first member. However, my request has been pending since then. Could you please...

I tried joining my team after it was automatically created by ctftime.org but the request is still pending. my username: zinc_96 team name: bit

I tried joining my team after it was automatically created by ctftime.org but the request is still pending. my username: rootxran team name: rootxran

Hello! I'm the organizer for COMPFEST CTF 2023, https://ctftime.org/event/2060/ , we need to change the leaderboard because some submissions were not taken into account for the final leaderboard. Sorry for...

hi, we recently got 7th place on https://ctftime.org/event/2067 we are ResetSec https://ctftime.org/team/266022 i can manage the team and my name is makider https://ctftime.org/user/156175 the problem is that on the leaderboard...

we have our team under the name H_More and we requested a merge to a new name called geodesics, since 2 months or more and it is still pending :/...

Hello. My user is [Tzupie](https://ctftime.org/user/132287) on ctftime. Can you please merge team [Tzupie](https://ctftime.org/team/181564) with [4c1d_k47](https://ctftime.org/team/150837)? I asked for a merge request a few months ago, but it's still pending.

Hello CTFTime organizers, We had submitted the CTFTime event for CSAW Quals a couple weeks ago, but It doesn't seem to be approved yet https://ctftime.org/event/2087. Can you help us approve...

We changed the team description and its gived an error "You cannot change country for team which participated in events during last 3 days" But we are not joining any...

Username: w3rew01f Team Name : TOPJIJI Request Pending April 9, 2023, 8:28 PM